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Analogue, Vector & Microwave RF Signal Generators





RF Signal Generators

With the APSIN, APULN and APMS series, available in various form factors and configurations, AnaPico Signal Generators offer unique features such as ultra-low phase noise, fast switching, multi-channel phase coherence, and battery operation. The APVSG Vector Signal Generator series features wideband digital modulation from 9 kHz to 40 GHz, ultra-fast switching, and excellent agility.

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Tektronix TSG4100A Series
RF Analog/Vector Signal Generator

Introducing the TSG4100A RF Vector Signal Generator – the Disruption in the RF Test Market by Tektronix Continues.

The TSG4100A is suitable for education and research labs, general purpose R&D, and high volume production test applications. Its remarkable phase noise and amplitude accuracy make for an effective solution for basic spectral measurements such as linearity and ACPR and the more advanced receiver sensitivity and selectivity.

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Gigatronics Products




Higher productivity and greater ease of use in many applications.

Giga-tronics offers unmatched engineering and technical expertise to help you gain the maximum return on your investment. Through paper to product design, we tailor our products and services to help your team achieve your goals, from the start of the design thru the final integration and for the future to come.

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